Start of the project |
Acquisition of all company data and personnel data, verification of integrity on the basis of checklists
Set up the company's individual database structure
Starting a business means applying for an official company number, as well as signing up for health insurance, registering with the local tax office and workmen’s compensation board
Before the monthly payroll run
Complete and forward forms for starters and retiring or leaving employees
Collection of data of pension contracts
Collection of data of garnishments and assignments
Calculate entitlements
Collection of data of tariff changes such as change of wage group
Collection of data of corrections by retroactive accounting
Collection of data of rate of absenteeism, e.g. to show a holiday account on the payslip
Collection of data of payments such as performance-based benefits, bonuses, refunds of travel expenses, all variable components of salaries and wages
Collection of data of all fixed remuneration components and one of payments
Change of personnel data concerning relocation or marriage
Process payroll
Calculation of main cost areas, cost objects, payroll subunits
Provide gross to net summary of wages for each employee, social security contributions, wage tax, pay journal, pay accounts
Provide monthly summary of earning and employer payments
Provide payslips in window envelopes ready to post to employees home addresses
Provide copy payslips for employer
Subsequent payroll process
Process and provide company-specific reports
Process and provide announcements and declarations with the German authorities
Provide departmental analysis for accounts department
Provision of clients specific reports
Provide spreadsheets for payroll input information
Fill in forms and certificates for submission to authorities and institutions
Tax year end procedure
Process and provide annual wage accounts and journals
Process and provide end of year certifications for the workmen’s compensation board
Process and provide end of year certifications for the health insurance companies
Calculation of accruals for unused vacations